Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Onyxia 2: Bigger, Badder And More Whelp-ier!

News just in....Onyxia will be making a return in Patch 3.2.2. I thought this was an elaborate joke at first till I realised that today isn't April Fool's Day. In fact, we're quite far off from April. So I'm going to take this as truth. And before I get into the Onyxia stuff, I just want to say to any picky people out there...I know "Whelp-ier" isn't a real term but it worked well and it made me giggle so there!

Anyway, ignoring all the obvious "setback" jokes that always get used when a boss makes a second appearance, Blizzard are rebooting Onyxia for their 5-year anniversary. It's going to be a permanent update of course with the usual 10 and 25 man modes. The gear itself will apparantly share models with the Tier 2 gear you used to get from Onyxia. Now...some people would think that Blizz are just being cheap by recyling Tier 2 gear and that they are just recycling old content. First, they bring back Naxx. Now, they bring back Onyxia. However, I like to think of it as a lovely present to all the WOW players out there and I shall explain why.

For those who actually raided against Onyxia and remember it well, this has a nostalgic feel to it all. Sure, you'll know the strategies and what to do against Onyxia...but I bet you'll still love facing Onyxia because it reminds you of "the good old days" which is something that older WOW players like to bring up time and time again. For those of us who haven't raided Onyxia (like myself), this gives us a chance to experience old content but in a challenging way. I'm glad that I'll get to face Onyxia the hard way (assuming that I'll enjoy raiding since I've yet to do serious raiding). However, this isn't pleasing everyone...there are some people out there who enjoy raiding at level 60 only (there's even guilds based around this idea too. Those crazy people!) and they feel that this is Blizzard forcing them to get expansions to enjoy this raid. Now, I see their point but personally, I'm still for it. I don't think there's a large enough number of people doing the level 60 raiding stuff and I feel that it's a shame to leave Onyxia loitering around trying to tell herself that she's still fearsome and powerful whilst she suffers yet another solo run.

So there's only one thing left to ponder this a one-off or should we expect more old content to be updated? Now, I'm not taking this as a sign that they'll suddenly go and revamp everything and I'm just appreciating it for the fun little present that it is. However, if it works out well does show that there is potential for them to bring back some older raids to let us experience them since a lot of WOW players are ones that didn't get to experience the vanilla content beforehand. I'd love to take part in something like a heroic SM Cathedral run but I understand that it would take Blizz a lot of time and effort. I don't think they'll do any more revamping but I acknowledge that there's the possibility that they will.

And there's my thoughts on the 5-year anniversary gift. Personally, I think Blizzard are giving us a very tasty cake and I'm going to be there at the party with my cutlery happily watching as they serve it. I hope that those who read this will do the same instead of trying to find reasons to dislike the cake.

Onyxia party hats for everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I never raid Oynxia but I think this could be very interesting. If they keep it nice and short like it is, it would make a great quick raid that you can do if your group doesn't have time for Naxx that night.


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