It looks like a Blizzcon related post will come first in le blog. Sorry, Mr. Resto Shaman Post.
Now...I'm gonna wait till Blizzcon is over before I give a post looking at everything about the new expansion. Depending on how much info we get, it might even have to be split into two posts. However, I decided to get this post out the way first. What I'm going to do is look at all the new race/class combinations that we're getting in the next expansion and seeing whether it works or not in my head. So...let's see which ones are a Meat Feast Pizza (aka very tasty.If you're a vegan/vegetarian, you're probably shaking your head right now) and which ones are weaksauce.
Current Races
Belf Warrior-I understand why people want these. After all, every other race can be Warriors so why shouldn't the Belfs? Well, I don't view the Belfs as angry enough for Fury spec so I imagine they'll be similar to Nelfs in my eyes and only really viable for Protection or Arms from a character perspective. At first, I frowned upon Belfs as warriors but then I remembered spell breakers and demon hunters and I gave these a thumbs up.
Dwarf Mage-There's a lot of Mages coming our way in the expansion. Dwarf mages are fine to me...they were in the WOW beta and there are Dark Iron mages in the game. I don't think it's too much of a leap for some Ironforge dwarves to be interested in arcane magic and therefore, start learning it from their Gnome friends or their Human buddies.
Dwarf Shaman-Some people seem to have trouble accepting this one but I don't know why. Just go and look at the Wildhammer clan and you'll see that there are dwarf shamanz there. I presume the Ironforge dwarves will learn shaman ways from the Wildhammer and I hope it works like that instead of a cheap "learnt it from the Draenei" trick.
Gnome Priest-This makes me very happy cause Gnomes were the only race to lack a healer and I've never understood why they didn't have one cause they could just easily learn it off the Stormwind gang in the same way the Dwarves did. The Horde best watch out for ALL GNOME RAIDS OF MINIATURE DEATH AND TINY DOOM!
Human Hunter-Well, this isn't too hard to understand. In real life, humans love to have pets and look after them so I don't see why they can't be like that in WOW too. I'm glad the WOW Humans won't be able to do what some real life ones do....dress their pets up in horrible clothes that leaves the pet looking like it wants to kill itself.
Nelf Mage-This one has been causing debates. I understand why since the Nelfs have rejected Arcane magic from their society. The best way for it to work would be if the Nelf Mages all stem from the Highbourne that are located in Dire Maul since they would happily be all Magey. Otherwise, it relies on Nelf society accepting arcane magic again or some Nelfs accepting it but having to be tucked away and hidden like warlocks in other cities.
Orc Mage-Now, I was surprised to see this one. I didn't really see a huge need for Orc Mages. Now, I'm following the logic that's been given on forums and a article on Orc Mages which suggests that Orc Mages have come about because they have decided to show some restraint/use less dangerous magic. I can see the thinking behind it but I'm not a fan of it and I don't view these as necessary so it's the first "no" class combo to me.
Tauren Paladin-At first, I didn't get why Tauren got these or Priests. However, with the new quest hinting to Tauren worshipping the Sun, it makes more sense to me so I'm happy to accept Tauren Palas. Expect to see a lot of "original" names like "Holycow" or "Holymoo" or names of that nature.
Tauren Priest-I can accept that via Sun worship, Priests are a viable option to the Tauren and therefore, I have no problem with it lorewise and all. However, personally speaking...I just don't see the Tauren as Priests. I can visualise them happily as Paladins but I can't say the same thing when I picture a Tauren Priest. It's not a "no" combo though because they make perfect sense due to the Sun worship that helps Palas to fit lore wise too...I just can't see Tauren as Priests characteristic wise ranting on about the Sun(Light) to everyone else as such.
Troll Druid-I'm happy to accept that Trolls can be druids via their worship of their own animal gods and therefore, I don't have any issues with this. It would be groovy for them to get different tanking/dps forms to the Tauren/Nelf druids and all but I understand that thinking like that could just be a big ball of wishful thinking.
Undead Hunter-Out of all the current race combos, this one is my least favourite of them all. I've seen the arguments that the Undead can learn how to be Hunters through their leader cause she's an awesome Ranger but people seem to be forgetting that Rangers are Marksmanship Huntards without the pet. However, putting that aside, my major gripe with this is that Hunters are meant to love and care for their pets. The Forsaken don't have emotions so they won't really love and care about any animals...even if it's their own partner in combat and they can't just view their pets as minions because that isn't the Hunter way. This is a big big big "no" choice for me.
Expansion Races
DK-This is fine to me since I'm sure Goblins died somewhere along the way for Arthas to nab them for himself.
Hunter-This is fine and it will be interesting because the majority of Goblin Hunters will be focused on hunting for profit, I imagine.
Rogue-This is fine and works well since Goblin rogues could simply consider themselves to be mercenaries for hire and get the moonehs that way.
Warrior-This is fine since the Bruiser NPCS you see in the Goblin ports aren't too far off Warriors and Goblins are tough little things.
Mage-Hmm, I can see it to a degree but it's a bit hard imagining Goblins keeping a keen interest in learning magic. However, it works well enough.
Warlock-I can imagine this easier than Mages which sounds silly cause usually, Locks used to be Mages/Shamans. It works fine and that's what matters.
Shaman-And we come on to the Goblin "no" combo. I don't see it at all. How can a Goblin Shaman work exactly? I get that they could theoretically learn the Shaman ways from the other Horde races but I just can't picture any Goblin's wanting to learn how to be them. I mean, it requires patience and respect for the elements and other things. I doubt the profit-orientated Goblins can meet those requirements...the only way they can be Shamans in my head is if they somehow pay the elements to let them use them. Since that can't happen realistically, it's a big big big "no" combo.
DK-It's fine. I imagine that Arthas killed some Worgen along the way while he was also killing Goblins.
Mage-It's fine since the Gilneas Worgen are humans after all who just happen to turn into werewolves because they're lucky like that.
Priest-It's fine because they are humans that turn into wolves and all. It would be interesting to see how a Worgen priest's faith would be considering they are cursed.
Warlock-It's fine because of the humans into wolves thing that keeps cropping up in my answers and you're probably bored of it by now.
Warrior-It's fine. See above if you need to know one reason why but the other is because their wolf form is just begging to kick some ass Warrior style.
Hunter-It's fine and all to have this. However, it will be a bit strange to see a werewolf running around with a pet of some sort. I wonder if the pet would get confused.
Rogue-It's sort of fine. I mean, it's not bad or anything. It's just a bit strange to have a Worgen size rogue really.
Druid-I know the Ally need one extra druid to make it fair...but Worgen? Really? I mean, I don't see it personally. I understand that they could theoretically learn it from the Nelf allies that seem to come and help them/invite them into the alliance (based on what I saw in a trailer). However, based on that logic, why can't the Stormwind humans learn how to be druids? I know you could argue that the Stormwind humans don't care too much about nature but I don't see why the Gilneas Worgen would either. This is a big big big "no" combo from me currently.
Out of the lot on the menu, there's only 4 weaksauce combos. The rest are tasty or go down okay with some alcohol. So let us eat, drink and be merry until the next blog post. Cheers!
Saturday, 22 August 2009
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With the Blood Elf warriors, most of those who are skeptical or outright against it are those who go by the reasoning that "Blood Elves are not savages, they are nobles." or something along those lines.
ReplyDeleteJust thought I'd share that.