My blog title is inspired by those irritating pop-up's/online ads that are all related to enlarging your penis and making it a MONSTER or a GIANT or a LEAN MEAN GRILLING MACHINE! I figured I'd just explain it on the off chance that someone reading this didn't get the blog title. However, I know that everyone who reads this blog has both a wonderful sense of humour and an amazing intellect so of course, you got it straight away. What was this blog post about again? Oh yeah, Enhancement. I guess I should stop wasting time buttering my audience up and get on with the show.
Draenei-Like I said before (in the Elemental Shaman post), I favour the Elemental and the Resto specs when it comes to Draenei. However, this doesn't mean I dislike Enhancement because the Draenei have the right physical build and the mental ability that it requires to channel the Elements and unleash them on the enemy in the form of something like Stormstrike. They suit all three specs...I just wouldn't have an Enhance Draenei Shaman.
Dwarf-Now, here's an Ally race perfect for the Enhance Shaman. I imagine a Dwarf Shaman will happily get stuck in (like the Orcs) and smack things really hard. As a result of this, Dwarf Shaman would be my favourite race for Enhancement.
Goblin-Well, putting the whole not-too-fond-of-Goblin-Shaman stoof aside...after a lot of thinking over it, I can see Goblins as Enhance Shaman. The Gnome Bruiser NPC's are pretty plucky and brave and I imagine a Goblin Shaman to be pretty similar only they can call upon the Elements to help too.
Orc-Now, Orcs are happy to get stuck in and therefore, Enhancement works well because it lets the Orc Shaman do that. However, I imagine that an Orc Shaman would have to be careful when fighting and smacking things because they wouldn't wanna lose themselves to rage so in my head, Orc Shamans would need to have a lot of self-control when choosing to go down the dual-wield path.
Tauren-This would be my favourite Horde race for Enhancement Shamans. They have the natual ability to patiently wait for the right moment to come along before letting rip with a powerful strike because it's in their nature to be patient and only use rage when necessary. Add on their physical prowess/ability and their and you can see why I reckon they're the best for Enhancement.
Troll-And now, we come on to the race I favour the least when it comes to the Enhance spec. I just don't view Trolls as being as physically strong/tough as the Orcs and the Taurens and they're a tiny bit on the scrawny side when you hold the three races in comparison. They have the mental ability and the patience, I just don't think they have enough physical oomph behind them to be as deadly as Orcs or Tauren when it comes to smacking things.
Rockbiter Weapon-I know that in the good old vanilla days, you could use this enchant to help to get threat easier and as a result, Shamans could tank instances. And even in early BC, it gave Shamans a lot of extra dps and all. But sadly, times change and this talent has become an old fogey that Blizz shoved into an old folks home and left us to discuss the "good times" Rockbiter used to give us. Basically, it's used for levels 1-10 but after that, best to switch to Flame or Frost and accept that you'll never use Rockbiter again. Personally, I just want Blizzard to remove this from the game.
Lightning Shield-The Enhancement Shaman's shield of choice. With Static Shock (Enhance talent), it goes up to 9 charges and has a 6% chance of hitting the enemy with a charge when you melee. Add the LS glyph and the Improved Shields talent (Enhance again) and this shield packs a punch. A part of me would like to see LS castable on others (like in WC3) but with the Druid spell Thorns around, there isn't much point.
Flametongue Weapon-This is the weapon enchant all Shamans will use until level 30 unless healing an instance. After 30, Enhance Shamans ditch Flametongue for Windfury on their main weapons (they'll have Flametongue on their offhand for Lava Lash) while Elemental/Resto remain faithful to Flametongue due to it's spell damage buff.
Ghost Wolf-Now, when I was levelling my Shaman, mounts were unavailable until level 40 so I got to enjoy 20 levels with Ghost Wolf. Nowadays, you only get to enjoy 4 levels of Ghost Wolf travelling before you can get a mount. However, Ghost Wolf still gets to enjoy being used in PvP. Also, the best thing you can do as a Shaman is /dance in Ghost Wolf form. If you've yet to see this, go and do it with your Shaman or go and find a Shaman and ask them to do it for you. Go now! I'll wait for you to come back and we can carry on.
Frostbrand Weapon-The PvP enchant. If you're gonna PvP, this is usually the best one to have and it's a musthave if you have two points in Frozen Power from the Enhancement tree.
Water Breathing-If you're doing a lot of underwater quests, use this to make it easier. It's a shame that unlike Warlocks, we have to use a glyph slot to make this spell useable without reagents but that's the way the cookie crumbles.
Far Sight-Well, here's a gimmick spell that I've yet to use much of. However, I imagine it could be used for things like Arathi Basin to check other bases. The cool thing about this spell is that you can Far Sight chain. If you learn how to do it right, it lets you explore in ways that no other class can. This spell proves that Shamans are actually vouyeristic stalkers.
Water Walking-Between the self-rezzing and this spell, it's not hard to understand the "Jesus was a Shaman" logic. Now, I'm a bit disappointed that DK's get this spell too (only it affects the group and it doesn't cost them anything in the form of reagents so it's much better) since before that, Shamans were unique in their water walking ways. However, what's done is done. Make sure to glyph up and get the Water Walking glyph.
Astral Recall-Now, this is a spell I love. Even though hearthstone wait times have been cut in half (down from 1 hour to 30 minutes), Shamans can still be happy in the knowledge that this spell lets us hearth every 15 minutes. The lazy side of me worships this spell.
Windfury Weapon-This is the DPS King enchant for Enhancement Shaman and it will be the one that will keep your main hand weapon warm at night. Always stick it on the main hand weapon and let Windfury do the rest.
Bloodlust/Heroism-This spell is often said to be the spell that can gurantee a raid spot for a Shaman. Now, I don't think it's THAT awesome but it is still very very very awesome. The strange thing is that you get a 10 minute Sated debuff yet the spell itself only has a five min cooldown. I believe that this was done to stop multiple Blood/Hero usage or something like that. And one last thing...this spell is awesome. Just thought I'd remind you so you don't forget it.
Stormstrike-One of the Enhance talent tree spells and one of two melee attack moves. Stormstrike is great because you get to hit things hard with some electrical force behind it. The added nature damage bonus buff that you get afterwards is the tasty icing on the very tasty cake.
Lava Lash-I was happy to see this move added in Patch 3.0.2 because it made the rotation of an Enhance Shaman a little bit more interesting. Also, it gave the Enhance tree a second melee attack move which is important because that's what the Enhance tree is all about...smacking things with the elements boosting your smacking. Stick flametongue on your offhand and Lava Lash anyone who stands in your way.
Shamanistic Rage-While it did have the mana regain element halved to 15%, it also had it's cooldown cut in half which is excellent. It means that you can have the buff up more often so you'll take 30% less damage more often in raids. Combine this with the stamina buff Shamans got in the recent patch and it boosts an Enhance Shaman's odds of living and makes them feel less squishy too.
Feral Spirit-Last but definitly not's the spirit wolf spell! Now, these wolves are a life saver. I literally call one Life and the other Saver...that's how many times they've bailed me out of a sticky situation. I love them and I thank Blizz greatly for giving Enhance Shamans the talent. However, I would much rather see Feral Spirit be made a base spell so that all Shamans could use the wolves. Remove their healing-the-Shaman-every-time-they-hit-the-enemy aspect and make that a talent in the Enhance tree. That way, Resto Shamans won't be too OP with healing wolves and both Resto and Elemental can enjoy the power of the wolves too.
Totem Strike-This is my idea for a third instant attack because I think the Enhance Shaman could do with one more and then that will do. What I want the attack to be is basically where the Shaman summons a totem pole (the giant thing Cairne Bloodhoof holds or what the Tauren units from WC3 would hold) from thin air or it could be made up of four totems (since it's easy to drop a foursome thanks to the latest patch) and the Shaman then attacks with this totem pole once. It doesn't need to be anything fancy, just an extra attack to jazz things up a bit. If possible, it could do more damage if the Earth Shock debuff is on the enemy. This way, we get to see hardcore totem pole action which is something that I'm sure we all need to truly enjoy WOW.
And there you go...that's my Enhance Shaman done. Next to come will be a Resto Shaman post, a Hunter related post that will look at what pets I have or wish to have with my Huntards and a Blizzcon related post. I'm not sure as to which order they'll be in cause I've got to revise for my resits so I don't fail and all that. All I can say this space!
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