Monday, 24 August 2009

Generic Race & Class Ranking List Post. Every WOW Blog Needs One Right?

With the confirmation of Goblins and Worgen, I figured I'd update this post to include them in the Races List so my old blog post on this has been deleted. Since this is merely an update of a blog post, I don't consider this a "proper" blog post and therefore, the Resto Shaman one will be coming later today/tomorrow depending on when I find some spare time from revision and all. Also, as a pre-warning, I imagine I'll do an "update" race and class rank list post every time a new class or new races are announced so I'd expect to update this every time we get a new expansion. Anyway, here's the updated post.


Time to rank the races first. This is based more on their looks and their culture than other things like racial traits.

Ah, the cows. The Tauren have always been awesome to me. Perhaps I have a slight bias because my first character was a Tauren Shaman...but I think it's mainly cause I really like their culture and their nomadic ways. Plus, I always used to love having Tauren in WC3. I loved their totem pole weapons. The Tauren are my favourites easily.

Gnome-Now, these were not always my favourite Ally race. That used to be either the Dwarves or the Draenei. However, over time, the Gnomes have really won me over. I enjoy their curious nature and I really hope that one day, the Gnomes get to retake Gnomeregan! Or...they could just build themselves a new city. Give them a bit of scrap and a week and we'll have a new capital city.

Orc-The greenies are my second favourite Hordey race. Sure, they have a bit of a naughty history (though the history is fascinating too) but Thrall is awesome and the Orcs are a formidable and admirable race and the "New Horde" Orcs are not like the old ones which were clearly evil with a capital E.

Dwarf-The dwarves are ace. They like to explore and they like to drink and they're pluckly fighters. What's not to like eh? Good things come in small packages...and that's why Gnome and Dwarves are my favourites on the Alliance.

Goblins-Well, I've always liked the Goblins for their profit-orientated ways. They have the Gnome's curiosity only instead of doing it just because they can, they do it because they can AND because it should give them lots of money! Also, you gotta admire the Gobling Sappers and all. Those green midgets are CRAZY!

Undead-The fun lovers of the Horde race. Only replace fun-lovers with can't-feel-fun-anymore-so-they-hate-the-living-and-are-lovers-of-plagues. *Breathe*...that was a bit of a mouthful. There's always an interesting recurring theme with the Undead and backstabbing the Horde at some point.

Night Elf-How the mighty have fallen. I used to really enjoy the Nelf side on WC3. Everything about them was fascinating to me. However, now...I've grown to enjoy them less than some of the other races. I think this is partially because most Nelfs that you see are men RP'ing female Nelfs just so they have some "eye candy". Whatever floats your boat...

Worgen-Well, Blizz clearly read my list, saw that Humans were last and went "Well...what about if they could TURN INTO WOLVES EH?" and that's how we got Worgen. Now, I know I'm gonna love these for two reasons. Firstly, they come from Gilneas, a place I've always found fascinating when I read about it and Blizz made me happy by making it finally explorable in Cataclysm. Secondly, I think it will be really interesting to play as one and try to keep hold of your humanity.

Troll-I'm slowly liking trolls more and more as I level up troll alts. However, there's one disappointing thing about the trolls. While I love their laid back attitude and the way they are, they need a better place to call "home" than the flimsy little village they currently have in Durotar. I really hope that they go and take over Echo Isles (since phasing could allow this to happen so high levels see this while low levels can still quest there).

And we're on to the space goats. I used to love these blue guys but my best friend has managed to put me off of these a fair bit by spamming their /laugh and sounding like an overemotional woman describing their new-born baby when he describes the "squiddie widdies". Also, I find their love for the Light both admirable and dull because they always go on about the Light and the Naaru. They're the Jehovah's Witnesses of WOW.

Blood Elf-
I really enjoyed the Belfs in WC3: Frozen Throne. However, they have also fallen down in my ranking due to WOW. Part of this is similar to the Nelf issue....most Belfs are females played by males so they have some "hot" pixels to fap over. Personally, I think that it's much easier to just use the Internet to find some porn but oh well. However, if you chose a female Belf for reasons outside of "something to look at", I salute you. I also am not overly keen on their mana addict nature. Go to rehab or something.

Human-These are last for a very simple reason. They are the most dull race that you can play as. After all, they resemble us. We don't really need to go to a fantasy MMO to go and RP as humans surely? It kinda takes away from the "fantasy" part. However, to the credit of the humans, they are a tenacious race that has managed to bounce back from every major war. A bit like real life humans then.


Time to rank the classes now. I don't hate any of the classes or anything but I naturally have a list in my head still to rank the classes.

Shaman-Easily my favourite class. Again, I know there's some bias cause my first character/main is a Shaman but I've just connected well with the class. I love the totems and the lore behind the totem quests (apart from that lame Air Totem quest for Horde where you just get it handed to you.). I enjoy the spells and I've enjoyed playing as Enhance greatly. I've also enjoyed the times I've tinkered around and played as Elemental or the times I've healed with Resto (though I really need to get more healing experience under my belt).

Oh, how I love Hunters due to their pets. My second highest character is a Hunter and he's my Ally main. I love my BM spec and I'm really connected to my pets...I hate it when Spork (my pet bear) dies. I get guilt over his death and beg him for forgiveness (which he always does....pets are awesome). The traps and ranged attacks are a nice bonus too of course. I need to try out Survival at some point really (I'll do so when I can afford Dual Spec).

The Warrior class takes third place. I've not tried Arms yet really but I enjoy my Fury Warrior a lot. Punching things is awesome (doesn't take a lot to please me). I also enjoy tanking with my Warr too and I hope to do more of that as I get higher. I enjoy the options given to me via my stances and I like that when a Warr has a shield, it feels like something that's really useful. I mean, just look at all the Shield related abilities a Warrior gets. I also admit that I'm a sucker for Titan's Grip and I look forward to the day that my Orc Warr has that talent.

Mage-Mages are the most enjoyable caster class to me by far. They are the most challenging and at times, you have to really be on the ball with them (particularly when you get swarmed). With their vast range of spells, I really enjoy levelling my Mage. Nothing like a good AoE or two to teach mobs a lesson. Turing mobs into sheep always makes me giggle a little too. Again, doesn't take much to please me.

Ah, one of the true "I can do everything" classes. Heal, tank, dps...they can do it all. What makes them interesting is their forms of course. Patch 3.2 will be making the bear and cat forms all pretty and stuff so that's a nice added bonus but my favourite form so far is my Moonkin form. I really enjoy being a Boomkin at the moment but I imagine when I level my Feral druid up, I'll enjoy the others just as much. One downside to the class is that it takes a lot of levels to really get used to it...I found that I struggled a fair bit for the first 20-30 levels but nowadays, I can really get my Druid groove on now that he's in the 40's.

Priest-First and foremost, I love Mind Control. It's one of my favourite spells EVAR. I just use it all the time for fun. I also really enjoy Priest healing and Shadow Priesting. I've only got major experience with a Shadow Priest but I've healed in a few instances and I find Priest healing to be really easy (it's as easy as Druid healing which can only be a good thing). The Priest used to be one of my least favourite classes but it's steadily climbed up to become one of my favourites. Now give me a minute while I go and Mind Control something *evil laugh*

Death Knight-Now, I know that DK's get a lot of hate for being "too OP" or "too easy to use". I agree that they can be easy to use though as nerfs keep coming each patch, the Death Knight becomes less OP and less easier to use. I love the DK starting quests and I really enjoy playing as a DK. Unholy is a lot of fun and Frost is no slouch either. As a side note, Death Grip always makes me grin. You'll notice the recurring "easily pleased" theme by now.

Warlock-I remember when Locks used to be a pain in the ass PvP wise. Nowadays, they aren't so bad. I really like the lore behind Warlocks and they get a ton of Lock-specific quests too. I also like how their demons are merely minions and can be sacrificed easily. I don't feel guilty when my Warlock minion dies, I just feel irritated at it cause it's left me to fend for myself. The only reason why the Warlock class isn't higher is mainly cause of how easy it is to play as one. I find it really easy to kill things and really hard to die so it can be boring to level my Lock.

Paladin-On to the Paladin class. Now, I like the lore behind Paladins a lot. However, gameplay wise, I find them to be much more dull then the other classes. I'm glad Ret Palas have finally become something besides LOLRET but Palas are now getting targetted as OP cause of their current state. I really want to level my Belf Pala up so I can try out tanking as a Pala. If I enjoy that, Paladin might go up higher on my list cause I find Retribution to be fun but a bit dull cause it's so easy to breeze through mobs now.

Rogue-Last but not least,Rogues. I really enjoy being stealthy and pickpocketing or using the Subt tree to pwn with Ambush. I'm also levelling a Combat Rog alongside my Subt one so I will see how that differs. I do enjoy the Rogue class but I find them a bit dull to play as and they are lower then the other classes because every other class has better lore. However, I've still got love for my stealthy friends!

So there you have it. There's my two lists. Now...a question for anyone who reads this.

What would be your race/class lists and why?

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