Friday, 18 September 2009

WTB Summary: Shaman Stuff

Well, it's been a while...I've been a bit of a busybee recently. But never fear, a blog post is here! Today, I'm introducting "WTB Summary". If you see this in the title, it means that it will be a post that gathers everything up of the lengthy posts I made with regards to changes I'd like to see or ideas I suggested and makes them clearly visible for you here.

That way, you are more likely to go "Nice idea!" or "That's the worst thing I've ever heard, noob" or if you're lazy/feel the posts were too long, this makes it easier for you. I'm too nice to my readers. The first "WTB Summary"
will be focused on the Shaman posts I've made. Time to do the summary magic then.


Totem of Wrath-Put a temp buff on the party and the debuff on the enemies for a period of time that lasts even when you change to another fire totem.
Thunderstorm-Gives the enemies it hits a "Charged" debuff so they take more damage from Bolts and Chain Light or puts a "Charged" buff on the Shaman to increase lightning spell damage for 10 secs.
Earthquake-AoE to target the ground in front of the Shaman or area of Shaman's choice and reduces hit chance of all enemies on the ground by 10%.


Rockbiter Weapon-Remove it from the game.
Feral Spirit-Baseline spell to be given to all Shamans. However, the healing aspect they currently have when they hit enemies would be an Enhance tree talent.
Totem Strike-Shaman summons a totem pole to strike the enemy with. Could be done by sacrificing all four current totems and it could do more damage with the Earth Shock debuff on the enemy.


Spirit Link-Distributes damage evenly between two targets. Only has 3 charges and once one of the linked duo loses the charges, the link is gone.


Earthbind Totem-Snare removal becomes standard. No longer an Enhance Shaman only thing.
Stoneclaw Totem-Forces players to attack the totem or at the very least, target it first to give the Shaman a tiny bit of breathing room.
Fire Nova Totem-Add a bit of Fire DoT damage at the end to those caught in the explosion.
Sentry Totem-We no longer auto-switch to Sentry's view and the totem comes with stealth detection too. If it's not too OP, have a "Spotted!" debuff when the Sentry detects someone that lowers movement speed by 10%.
Water Elemental Totem-Summons a water elemental that summons a pool of water which increases the healing allies recieve by 10% whilst on that pool. Could heal them over time instead of increase healing recieved.
Air Elemental Totem-Summons an air elemental that does good single-target dps melee damage. Could come with an air related knockback ability.
Earthgrab Totem-An AoE snare totem. Anyone near the totem gets trapped in roots for a couple of seconds.
Brainwash Totem-Controls an enemy for a period of time and forces them to fight their allies. However, it also heals them at the same time which renders it useless for 1 on 1 fights.

And there's the Shaman summary. If you have any thoughts/views, make a comment! I hope that the readers find "WTB Summary" useful!

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