Friday, 25 September 2009

Hit Cap? Is That Some Sort Of Headwear?

Well, now Mr. Ingredients has been 80 for a while and my guild is looking towards Heroics and raiding, I've realised I need to work on my gear to actually do something useful. And as I did this, I realised I encountered a new confusing do I increase my dps? How do I reach the hit cap? How do I make sure I'm good enough to heal?

I looked up things on other blogs and on websites like Wowhead to help me but I still felt a little bit overwhelmed. Thankfully, I asked a WOW playing friend and they helped me get to grips with it. So now, it's just a case of getting the right gear and enchants really. However, I was still somewhat taken aback by how I felt when I first knew I'd have to improve everything since my dps was too low when I checked Recount on a heroic training dummy.

I managed to feel like a total "noob" again. It reminded me of my novice days when I wandered around Mulgore for the first time and everything was shiny new and exciting and a bit scary too. However, I have a question for anyone who reads this article.

Do you feel there's enough advice and info out there for fresh 80's who are trying to make the leap into heroics/raiding?

And that's this post done. It was a short one, I know...but that's because I didn't want a lengthy rant on my own personal stupidity/confusion. Feel free to leave comments telling me I'm a novice or giving me tips!

1 comment:

  1. That crazy Warlock you once saw25 September 2009 at 12:37

    I don't even dare think about raids and heroics. Too scary. I'll stick with launching hopeless one-man attacks on Horde capitals.


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