Wednesday, 29 July 2009


That Shaman post will come, I assure you. I'm just working out whether I want to look at each spec in turn or if I want a general overlook at the spells of Shamans. I shall reach a decision within the next couple of days. However, I figured I'd do a post to let people know about all my characters. And if you got the reference in my blog title, +10 cool points for you!

This will be a quick blog post that will tell you about my 20 characters. In case you wonder why I have so many, I shall explain quickly. I wanted one of each class to try them all out and I made sure I had one of each race. I then decided I wanted to double that to two of each race and class because that way, I can tinker about with the talent specs between two characters of the same class and it won't cost me as much gold this way. Plus, I enjoy having so many cause I don't get as bored since I can just switch it up whenever I feel like. And there's a part of me that likes inventing backstories for all these characters so the more I have, the more I get to RP. I just have to find a RP server that I think I'll enjoy...but that leads into a whole new topic.

And some may consider this a sign of altitis but I don't consider myself an altaholic since an altaholic usually chooses to not level any characters too high or they can't stick to a character. I can stick to a character, I just like some choice to avoid boredom and this lets me go at my own pace so I can enjoy the game. Plus, I like having all this characters cause it lets me know how each class works which helps in PvE and PvP (and when I write stuff in this blog so I don't sound like a total noobatron). are my characters with their levels and their planned dual specs (except Ing because he actually has Dual Spec). Alts...ASSEMBLE!!!


Ingredients=77 Tauren Enhance/Resto Shaman
Shinyspoon=67 Dwarf BM/Surv Hunter
Megalolz=62 Gnome Unh DPS/Unh Tank DK
Eyeoftheorc=47 Fury/Prot Orc Warrior
Censored=41 Subt/Unsure Human Rogue
Walktalkheal=40 Shadow/Holy Troll Priest
Zoofriendly=14 Feral DPS/Feral Tank Tauren Druid
Vivalaviagra=12 Elemental/Resto Draenei Shaman
Kissthebeard=10 Discipline/Unsure Dwarf Priest
Yogibogeybox=7 Combat/Assass Undead Rogue


Originality=58 Frost Tank/Blood DPS Orc DK
Purplepill=47 Balance/Resto Nelf Druid
Aluminium=40 Frost/Arcane Belf Mage
Namegoeshere=38 Ret/Prot Draenei Pala
Fleshbag=37 Demon/Afflict Undead Warlock
Uglyunicorn=16 Marks/Unsure Troll Hunter
Xylophone=12 Destruct/Unsure Human Warlock
Blamethenoob=10 Prot/Holy Belf Pala
Dodecahedron=7 Prot/Arms Nelf Warr
Query=5 Fire/Arcane Gnome Mage

And there they are. I'll post updates now and again when the list has changed drastically. Just figured I'd let people know about my characters.

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