Wednesday 8 July 2009

The Man Behind The Silly Name

Well, here it is. My first post of my first blog. I've got a "blog" as such on a forum I go on a fair bit but this is the first time that I've set one up on a site with the specific intent to try and post in a regular fashion. So I count this as the first. And it's a bit I type this, I find myself worrying a little over what people will think of me as they read this. And yet, there's a very good chance I'll never have anyone read this so it's pointless to worry. However, if I do have people reading this post (be it after I've posted this recently or in the future where you've stumbled upon this blog and decided you like something about it and me) then I'd like to say thanks. Even if I told you to come here/self-advertised, it's still groovy to have people reading this. But at the end of the day, if I never get anyone else besides me reading this, that's fine. This is for my entertainment/pleasure since I like to be creative and I like to write.

With the introduction paragraph out the way, it's time to move on to the main substance of this post. I'm going to be doing two things-telling you information about moi and explaining what this blog sets out to do. As a basic warning though...this blog will be about the MMORPG called World Of Warcraft (or WOW as I'll refer to it as from now on.) If you don't know about the game (which would be's a pretty well-known game) or you dont like World Of Warcraft, there's no point in reading the rest of this post or this blog. I just wanted to make that clear before I move on. Let's start with the info sharing first though let's be reasonable-I'm not exactly going to be handing out my address, full name, financial details and all that stuff. So for all those who want to steal my identity, best to move on to another blog. Now, stuff about me.

The name's Tom. I live in England and I'm a mixture of sarcasm, random and anti-socialness. In case you haven't guessed, my online alias is "Ninjaoctopus".I don't know when in my life but at some point when I was younger, I imagined that an octopus ninja would be the coolest thing EVAR. My logic was sound too since 8 swords will always beat two (unless you're fighting a combination of Zoro and Killerbee). I've just reached 20 so I'm now out of the teen years and into the adult ones. I'm currently at university and I'm studying Psychology with Criminology. As I type this, I'm in the first year and hoping I passed the exams to get to the next year. However, if I haven't and you read this, don't laugh too much now okay?

Now, the reason why I bring up the uni stuff is because when it was term time, I found I never got much chance to play WOW whereas currently, I'm playing it much more cause as I write this, I'm enjoying the summer holiday. Yeah, I know...we get too much time off. Heard it before. However, even with oodles of free time (since with our current recession, it's hard to get a job right now), I still class myself as a "casual" player. I hold my hands up high and I admit it and I do so in a proud way. That means that I acknowledge that I don't know tons about WOW and if I put myself on the knowledge spectrum, I'd probably be in the middle or more towards the end entitled "Not very much". I haven't done any serious raiding yet, I've only PvP'ed to get a PvP mount (so I only know AV, WG and AB), I've not bothered to level professions yet (they bore me...they might be necessary and all but they really really bore me) and my highest character is only lvl 75. He's soon to be 76 though! I know what you're thinking...if I don't have a vast supply of WOW knowledge and I haven't experienced everything the game offers...why am I writing a blog?

Well, one simple answer. For fun. I'm hoping that I'll enjoy the freedom of writing stuff on this blog and I have a silly hope that someday, I'll have readers who will enjoy reading what I write. Now, the blog doesn't really have a focus that's set in stone. However, my rough idea for it is to look at suggesting changing spells or abilities or the introduction of new spells and abilities for all the classes. I don't want to focus on just one class because I'm an altaholic. It's a crippling addiction but that's what I suffer with. I'll also write up some experiences now and again like a questline I enjoyed or an instance I had fun in or a negative time one day involving a ninja, a need roll and me growling at the laptop screen. Now...this means that people are more then welcome to come here and tell me that I'm wrong if they wish to do so. But just bear this in mind. I didn't say I had all the answers and I'm freely admitting that I'm average when it comes to knowing WOW.

Hopefully...this gives you some insight into why I'm writing this. Therefore, you'll accept that this blog is just a bit of fun that aims to be interesting to read. If you do enjoy what I post, please go ahead and comment or if you like any ideas I have, say so. If you think they are stupid, please say so too but try and be a bit constructive? "YOU SUCK, GO FAIL AT LIFE TOO" isn't a good example of being constructive. Now...I don't have a solid structure yet but here's the rough outline for the blog. I'll post weekly and at first, it's going to look at Shamans and Hunters because they are the classes I have the most experience with so far. As I level the other alts up, I'll look at them too. However, things may crop up to get in the way of that like complimenting some of the Wrath quests or talking about finally being 80 if I get there anytime soon. So just remember three simple things about this blog. It's going to be laidback, it's going to try to be interesting and it's going to look at both what's in WOW and what could possibly be improved in regards to the classes. I know that Blizzard have a hard life balancing things but I'll just be offering my own simple slightly significant stance on it all. Check out the alliteration there!

So I think that covers everything. I can tick my "Intro post" box off my list and be happy with that. As you may have noticed, I've tried to space things out as well as I can do with paragraphs but I have a tendency to ramble and I may go off on tangents. If that bothers you, I can't do much about it. It's how I am in real life and it's how I am when I write blogs since I don't want to make this feel like a chore by having a fixed structure and planning my posts in detail. If anyone reads this first post, I hope you enjoy reading it and that you'll look forward to the next post. Unless you dislike Shamans a to wait a while then.

Take it easy



  1. Sounds great! I have it bookmarked now, will check back when I can.

  2. Zaijvintvå or "Jeppe"...19 July 2009 at 01:41

    Hello there Tom, this is looking great! - I have, like the anonymous fellow on the other comment, bookmarked this one and will, for now, continue reading your other posts! :)

    Maybe, when you are at level 80, and when all the raiding takes start, you could write about that aswell? -Just a common thought.

    -Zaijvintvå (the healing shadow-priest in Nagrand Yesterday)


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