Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Computer Lag & Real Life Lag

Well, hello there, readers. You've probably noticed I've not posted yet this month...sadly, I've suffered some blog lag due to real life. My uni work is starting to get serious and so I may have to post a bit less regularly. However, never fear. I shall still be here (rhyme) to post of course. It just might lose it's weekly-ness. I'm sure my vast supply of readers will be devastated!

So...what's this post about? Well, it's a small post about my laptop being a pain to me but it also raises a point too. Let me start with the laptop plight. I'm currently in a new guild due to a guild merger XXL have with them. They seem like really nice people and I've been lucky enough to go to Uld 25 with them a couple of times and one Uld 10 too. They invited me to go to Trial Of The Crusader and I accepted because my laptop seemed to be a bit slow but okay to raid still. However, once I accepted the invite and began a flight to the Tourney grounds from Storm Peaks, my laptop suddenly went NAO! and my frame rate went to either 1 or 0. If I was lucky, it went up to a whopping two!

Now, this was a problem to me cause I felt really bad cause it looked like I was making excuses because I had been asked to heal. Yes, I admit that I was nervous as hell about healing in it because I'm not amazing at healing yet. However, I would never let my guild down by saying no to healing because I warned them about it all and Moomy (guild leader) seemed fine with it. I know that my laptop isn't brilliant and it has an average frame rate of 8 and the highest I've seen it at is 17. There are people out there reading this right now who are going "OMR HOW DO YOU PLAY WITH SUCH A CRAPPY LAPTOP? GO BUY NEW ONE!"...sadly, I can't do this since I'm a student. But this raises another question...am I putting my guild at a disadvantage by not having a good laptop and all?

On the one hand, I've been in Naxx and Ulduar before and I've done things and my frame rate has been it's usual self and I've only had a bit of lag at times. I haven't just been frozen doing nothing. Therefore, you could argue that it works well enough and I'm fine to be included. However, my laptop is prone to lag and can do so during endgame. It also has an issue with overheating too that I've noticed...my poor poor laptop. Therefore, you could also argue that I'm actually hurting the guild by having this laptop. Whilst I left TOTC25 due to my low framerate (since it would have been very cheeky to stay when I couldn't do anything), the lag could strike anytime and I could ruin a fight because of it or I could have my laptop shut itself down due to overheating and also ruin a fight.

So...I'll put the question across to anyone who reads this and feels like commenting. Should someone with a lower end laptop be able to raid? Does it matter if someone has a laptop that isn't totally efficient as long as it does the job?